Many key factors go into how long lash extensions last, one of which is the lash adhesive. Lash adhesives come in different types that suit different lashing skill levels or client sensitivities.
Two of the most popular ones are clear adhesives and black adhesives. Obviously, they differ in colour, but how else are they different? When is the best time to use each?
Read on to find out.
Before we compare clear and black lash glues, we should know what ingredients are in lash adhesives.
The primary ingredient of lash glues is cyanoacrylate, a group of strong and fast-acting glues that can bond to various surfaces.
Beauty Boss Academy’s eyelash adhesives contain alkoxy-2-cyanoacrylate, giving the adhesive more flexibility in bonding to natural lashes. This flexibility enhances lash retention, making the eyelash extensions stay on natural lashes longer.
Carbon black is a crystalline ingredient that gives black adhesives their colour. Although black adhesive is the standard, it does not look as good with coloured extensions. So if you’re applying coloured extensions, it’s better to use clear adhesive, which does not contain carbon black. There is also a small percentage of the population that is allergic to carbon black, in which case, clear adhesive is always the best choice.
Question: Is eyelash adhesive waterproof? Lash extension adhesives are ‘waterproof’ in that you can get your extensions wet—let’s say to wash your face or shower—and they won’t come off as false strip lashes would. However, lash extensions still require care, so we recommend avoiding swimming with them on if possible.
Also, some people may be allergic to carbon black. In this case, it’s handy to have clear adhesive in your kit so that you have an alternative.
Beauty Boss Academy’s courses are fully online, so learn at your own pace! You will also get the chance to connect with other aspiring lash artists and gain support and insights from them. By the end of the course, you will be a certified lash tech trained to give clients the beautiful, long lashes of their dreams.
Friday, December 01, 2023
Friday, December 01, 2023
If you are planning to make a career as an eyelash technician, there are a few things you need to know even after undergoing training. We've gathered some common questions about lash technician licensing regulations that aspiring lash artists ask so that you don't have to look for them one by one.
Friday, December 01, 2023
Do your lash client's eyes resemble almonds? For lash artists, this means the perfect lash style for them is a no-brainer—all of them! Aptly named the almond eye shape, it’s popular for being highly flexible and suitable with any lash extension style. But is that really the case? Continue reading to find out!
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